Seoul time-lapse, cute IMs, and plastic surgery adverts

I believe in truth in advertising.  That title is what you’re gonna get.  I really want to tell you about my weekend, but you need background info first, and to do that I need time to blog.  So maybe Thursday afternoon?  Cross your fingers.

We’ll start at the end.  You may remember my post on the unashamed obsession with appearance?  A few months ago, a friend stumbled on one of these pictures and blogged about interesting observations concerning the pink one, linking his post to my own so I’ll go ahead and make that a full circle!  Anyways, a few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to find the entire spread, covering all four sides of this loverly pole.  Enjoy.

Ironic because most women I've seen swimming wear tank-tops, shorts, hats, and sometimes life jackets over what may-or-may-not be a bikini.

After plastic surgery, you'll snag a richer man and get a bigger engagement ring!

I'm not sure, but I would guess the Before is when you are embarrassed and covering your face with your hair, and the After is when you can bare your face proudly. (My adorable little students usually cover their face with their hands, brush their bangs down, and try to hide behind their bob-cut when they are nervous or self-conscious. It's an interesting cultural mannerism.)

This one is EVERYWHERE! And pretty self-explanatory, I think. Thin faces are highly desired.

Ok, number 2!

There’s a super-cute girl who started working at school this year in an office-ish position.  Something to do with student health/activities.  Last week, she found out we are the same age, and since then has been so adorably happy to see me and saying Hi and telling me she wants to be friends.  Unfortunately, I think her English level is very close to my Korean level.  But still!  I love her.

Observe: Our IM conversation from today!

정찬미 >>
I want to be your friend ^^*
핸더슨님이 보낸글 >>  (the 1st 3 characters are “Henderson” in phonetic Korean, the 2 after that are markers of my position–teacher, coworker–, and the last bit just says “sent message” or something fancy)
나도 ~~ (me too! 🙂 )
한국말 못 해요  ᅲᅲ (I can’t speak Korean qq)
정찬미 >>
우와 ^^ (phonetically reads similarly to, “Wow,” or “Oohwaw”
레이첼 한국말 어떻게 쳤어요 ? (the first word is the phonetic “Rachel,” then “Korean” “how” “typed” = how did you type Korean?)
오 능력자에요 ! 레이첼 (Oh, –I’m guessing something along the lines of “good job!”–Rachel)
And last but not least, Seoul time-lapse!  You know, Seoul isn’t the most aesthetic city in the world, but it has its charms.  I love crossing the Han up near Konkuk University on the subway, especially at night when the bridges and banks are all lit up.  I love Children’s Grand Park and Sejong University’s campus. I love the walk from Sarah’s house to the subway. And of course I love sunsets and sunrises wherever they are in the world.